Electricity bills: an inevitable change in off-peak hours by 2025?

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A change to adapt to modern production

For the record, many French people (“a good third of consumers“) choose a subscription using this system, where electricity consumption is cheaper during certain time slots thanks to low general demand. This is especially the case at night (generally from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.) and in winter, when it is also cheaper to produce electricity, particularly via the nuclear fleet.

But Emmanuelle Wargon would like “set off-peak hours in summer” And “in the afternoon “. She justifies: “Now we have a lot of solar production that is not expensive, especially in the summer and so it would be nicer to have off-peak hours in the afternoon, between March and November.“. She also specifies that the objective would be “to differentiate the time slots between summer and winter, to take into account the “solar bell”, the period of the day during which the production of solar panels is the highest.“A certain common sense, therefore, which seems to follow CRE's December 2023 recommendationsproduced following a public consultation with electricity suppliers, managers and consumer associations.

A development that remains to be realized

In addition, in order to make this off-peak/peak hours system more attractive, a strengthening of the price differences between the two is also under consideration. The former Minister Delegate for Housing, however, remains cautious, since these potential changes are currently only under discussion with Enedis. See you, at best, in 2025 to see if any changes will actually take place.

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