Judo Jacket Mizuno Yusho Best IJF Slim-fit Jacket – Several sizes and colors
85€ – Mizuno
Very nice promotion on the Mizuno website.
Free delivery from €50 (and free return within 45 days).
IJF certified Mizuno Kimono/Judogi top which seems to me to be a very good offer.
In blue we generally find more sizes (the promotion started around Thursday).
Several products at -50% at Mizuno (link for BF mizuno offers: https://emea.mizuno.com/eu/fr-fr/black-friday-deals/):
I only looked at the promotions for Judo and I saw this interesting (the price displayed is that after a 50% reduction):
-Kimono (top + bottom) Yusho Best IJF €105 (https://emea.mizuno.com/eu/fr-fr/yusho-best-ijf/5A190101.html?dwvar_5A190101_color=5A190101)
– Complete Kimono/Judogi (top + bottom) Yusho IJF certified white 90€ (only sizes below 1m51 and above 1m85 available) https://emea.mizuno.com/eu/fr-fr/yusho-ijf/5A510102.html
-Yusho Japan €115 (very few sizes available) https://emea.mizuno.com/eu/fr-fr/yusho-japan-ijf-jacket-2018/22EA8A0101.html And https://emea.mizuno.com/eu/fr-fr/yusho-japan-ijf-jacket-2020/22HA8A0101.html
– Yawara Jacket €125 (few sizes) https://emea.mizuno.com/eu/fr-fr/yawara-jacket/22GM6A000101.html
– Yusho IJF Pants €25 (most sizes available, in blue and white) https://emea.mizuno.com/eu/fr-fr/yusho-ijf-pants/PY5A510102.html
You can find this type of guide on the internet (it worked for me, however it may be better to follow the measuring advice on their site):
Kimonos shrink in the washing machine, the sizes indicated already take shrinkage into account (for washing at 30 degrees).
If you want to buy a Kimono that you want to keep for later in the event of participating in events, you can refer to this document https://78884ca60822a34fb0e6-082b8fd5551e97bc65e327988b444396.ssl.cf3.rackcdn.com/up/2022/04/IJF_Judogi_rules_-_09_03_2022_-1649423585.pdf
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