Linky: here are the sanctions for those who resist the connected electricity meter

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The battle is over, the people resistant to Linky connected meter will be entitled to sanctions in the coming months. The Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) has just made these official, thus specifying their amount and their date of implementation.
Sanctions for anti-Linky
The CRE's roadmap for the year 2025 first mentions that owners wishing to keep their traditional meter, thus refusing the Linky, will have to pay from August 1, 2025 a fixed penalty of €41.58 per year.
The World relays in passing that “if users do not send their consumption statement themselves or if they do not schedule a reading appointment”they will be entitled to €25.08 in additional annual fees on their bill.
We thus arrive at a maximum of €66.66 in penalties per year for non-adoption of Linky and non-transmission of the reading, which is done automatically with this connected meter.
The French media reports in passing that these sanctions are intended to cover the “cost estimates related to old meters”including those relating “to the information system, to foot relief and controls, to customer contact”.
For customers who are technically unable to install a Linky meter for reasons beyond their control, “among other things, if they live in areas where heavy work would be necessary to adapt the electricity network”they will be exempt from these new fees planned for the summer of 2025. There are also around 180,000 meters in this case according to a census last June.