Marvel unlimited, 1 year subscription
Marvel Unlimited allows you to transform the experience of comics, normally consisting of jumping on the bandwagon of a constantly evolving world, into that of Franco-Belgian mangas and comics, by providing access to all published Marvel comics (with 6 months delay for new publications) to date.
Add to that, subscriber-exclusive comics and webtoons are added to the Marvel Universe every month; and also that the application is very well done with many reading guides, the possibility of following by series, character, or even creator…
In terms of ergonomics, it is exemplary and the experience is premium with reading case by case with transitions between those which are not clearly demarcated in the full and dual page on small screens, and a more classic view in full page with all the usual tools for tablets 10 inches and above.
Of course, a correct command of English is necessary to read the comics since Marvel is American (in France, it is not really Marvel which publishes the comics, but Panini…), but as a general rule no need to have your TOEIC either, and this can be useful for all students, from middle school level, wishing to improve their level with a nicer method.
Please note that Marvel respects French law and will apply VAT to the final amount, i.e. $54 final price (€51.20).
Consider paying via PayPal to avoid potential exchange fees from your bank…
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