Super Christmas Hood #03: play and try to win a Fujifilm Instax LiPlay
This is your daily appointment on The Digitals ! Every day until Christmas, we invite you to take part in our biggest competition ever organized by the editorial staff, which brings together more than €10,000 worth of gifts. For this third day of the Super Hotte de Noël Numbersyou will find the Fujifilm Instax LiPlay; a hybrid camera with versatile functions.
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The Fujifilm LiPlay is one of the most interesting bodies in the Instax range thanks to its instant camera and portable printer capabilities. In use we found it very fun and efficient. The addition of sound is, in our opinion, a gimmick, but it may appeal to some users on occasion; and as its use is not obligatory, in our eyes it is neither a strong point nor a fault. We find the device more advanced than the Canon Zoemini S sold at approximately the same price and we prefer the Instax rendering to that of the Zink. If you're just looking to make Instax prints, consider that the Instax Share SP-2 printer sells for almost half the price of the LiPlay.
To try to win the camera, all you have to do is answer a question and the lucky winner will be drawn at random from the correct answers. Naturally, clues are present in the camera test.