Driving license: this new rule will put an end to long impunity in Europe
The majority of European Union transport ministers have approved a major new driving license reform. A driver whose license has been withdrawn or suspended in one Member State will no longer be authorized to drive in other countries of the European Union.
Brussels adopts mutual recognition
For example, if your driving license has been withdrawn or suspended in France, the sanction will also be effective in other countries of the European Union. This is mutual recognition on a European scale.
The measure targets serious traffic offenses such as speeding more than 50 km/h above the authorized limit, drunk driving and drivers responsible for fatal accidents. Brussels wants to strengthen road safety and put an end to the impunity enjoyed by certain drivers who are not residents of the countries where they are in violation.
The European Commission has an ambitious objective of “zero deaths” on the roads of Europe by 2050. The public will is clear, since this new regulation has received the approval of the Member States in Brussels. The precise modalities remain to be negotiated with the European Parliament before final adoption and implementation.