Pack of Ariel Pods laundry detergent x30 + Lenor softener bottle x56 – Different varieties (via €9.53 on loyalty card and ODR €6.48/2.84)

Deal Score0
Deal Score0

€0.21 – Carrefour

Optimization to be carried out only at Carrefour Marketthanks to this new ODR which combines the purchase of Ariel laundry detergent and Lenor fabric softener:


Ariel pods x30 washes benefiting from a 50% loyalty advantage:

  • Price paid: €14.18
  • Loyalty advantage: €7.09

Lenor fabric softener x56 washes benefiting from a 50% loyalty advantage:

  • Price paid: €4.88
  • Loyalty advantage: €2.44

That’s a total price of €19.06, and a total loyalty advantage of €9.53.


Or a cost price of €19.06 – €9.53 (fid advantage) – €6.48 (total ODR) – €2.84 (Ariel ODR) = €0.21

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