Fortuneo up to €240 free account with Gold CB Mastercard
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Return of an attractive offer from Fortuneo.
Up to €240 offered with the Gold card
- €160 offered by Fortuneo for a first opening of a bank account with Gold CB Mastercard followed by 5 payments made using the card subscribed within 90 days2.
- + 80 euros offered for the transfer of all your valid direct debits and recurring transfers to Fortuneo. Up to €150 in benefits offered with the Fosfo card
- €70 offered by Fortuneo for the first opening of a bank account with Fosfo Mastercard followed by 5 payments made using the card subscribed within 90 days2.
- + 80 euros offered for the transfer of all your valid direct debits and recurring transfers to Fortuneo.
Reminders for the 2 formulas:
Gold CB Mastercard
- Free from one payment per month.
- From €1800 of monthly net income.
- Immediate or deferred debit from 6 months of seniority.
- Reinforced insurance and assistance guarantees.
- High payment/withdrawal limits.
Fosfo Mastercard
- Free3 from one card payment per month.
- Without income conditions.
- Immediate flow.
- Daily insurance guarantees.