Canal+ is called to order after the broadcast of a banned sponsor on football jerseys

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Canal+ received a call to order following the unblurred broadcast from the sponsor “Over 500” on the jerseys of Young Boys Berne players during several broadcasts.
Call to order for Canal+ because of “Over 500”
The DGCCRF reported shortcomings during live broadcasts but also in the summaries available on the MyCanal platform. If “Over 500” is prohibited, this is because it is a company specializing in risky financial contracts. Advertising for these products is not authorized by the consumer code in France.
The DGCCRF has not directly sanctioned Canal+ but is asking it to stop these practices. The channel should have blurred the names of sponsors during live broadcasts but also in the extracts available on its website.
This is not a new situation in the French sports audiovisual landscape. In January 2023, beIN Sports was unable to broadcast the meeting between Juventus and Atalanta because of this same sponsor.