Doodle God free on PC (Dematerialized – DRM Free)
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Doodle God
Doodle God is an addictive puzzle & construction game in which players use their logic and inventiveness to create a real universe. In this captivating puzzle game for everyone, you are free to mix fire, earth, water and air to give birth to an entire civilization!
Of course, we must not put the cart before the horse, the universe was not made in a day. You'll need to start with a simple microorganism before creating animals, tools, storms, and even raising armies! Being invested with divine powers, however, is not without consequences: the invention of the wheel could indeed cause a zombie epidemic! Put your divine knowledge to the test and challenge your friends online with the new Tournament mode. Each time you shape a new item, the greatest philosophers and authors of all time will share with you their infinite knowledge and wisdom. With Doodle Godâ„¢ for Steam, awaken the god within you!
Over 1,000 detailed reviews in the gaming press, including:
Metacritics list of Reviews – 75/100
It's full of surprises and fun
Earth! Air! Fire! Water!…heart! – 4.5/5
Good for a short burst of creative insight – 80/100
Doodle God is buckets of fun for lots of reasons – 4.8/5
True genius behind Doodle God's alluring gameplay
Doodle God is a unique, bizarrely addictive game – 90/100
This unique game is highly recommended to everyone – 80/100
Outside-the-box thinking is the charm behind this beautifully designed game – 5/5