Radar cars will be everywhere in 2025, how to spot them?
In 2025, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Occitanie and Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur will join the radar car system. There will be 126 vehicles circulating in these regions, for a total fleet of 550 vehicles. Only Île-de-France and Corsica are outside this system.
No more radar cars on the roads in 2025
These radar cars blend discreetly into traffic and are feared by motorists. Vehicles are equipped with infrared sensors and cameras that detect speeding. The flash is invisible and the verbalization of crossed and overtaken vehicles takes place provided that there is no central reservation.
The radar cars were launched in 2013 then privatized in 2018. This is a considerable source of revenue for the French state, much to the dismay of road users faced with the numerous checks.
There are several ways to spot these radar cars. The site radar-prive.fr lists the cars used according to the department with supporting photos: Peugeot 308 and 508, Citroën Berlingo, Ford Focus and Mondeo, Volkswagen Golf and Passat, Seat Leon and Skoda Octavia. However, slowing down at the sight of these vehicles is not enough to avoid being fined, in addition to being dangerous.
If you have the eye, it is possible to identify these unmarked vehicles. On the dashboard, a black box contains the infrared sensor. As for the rear, if the window is not tinted, it is possible to see a small square which contains the cameras. The front license plate has a reflective plastic backing.
Obviously, the only reliable solution to avoid fines, both those from radar cars and traditional speed cameras, remains respecting speed limits.