Fortuneo x Bankin – €250 offered for opening a Gold card bank account and transfer of direct debits
250€ – Fortuneo
Good morning,
Attached are the conditions. My previous deal was deleted because there was a sponsorship link, it was not intended. I hope it's good now!
Up to 250 euros offered (240€ offered by Fortuneo as part of the Fortuneo offer and 10€ offered by Bankin' as part of the Bankin' offer) subject to satisfying the following conditions:
– Fortuneo bonus: 160 euros offered by Fortuneo for a first opening, initiated via the Bankin' route, of an individual or joint bank account with a Gold CB Mastercard bank card carried out between 12.26.2024 and 01.13.2025 followed by 5 payments made using the card within a maximum of 90 days following subscription (the opening request file with the operation code “FTNBK12242” must be complete and received no later than 01/27/2025 electronically or by post, the date of receipt of the complete file being taken as proof).
– Banking Mobility Bonus: 80 euros offered for the very first use of the neoChange banking mobility assistance service for the transfer of all of your valid direct debits or recurring transfers as part of the signature of a banking mobility mandate and for which Fortuneo will have been able to contact at least one issuer of valid direct debits or recurring transfers. The end date of this offer is 01/13/2025 for customers who have opened a current account with the promotional code “FTNBK12242”.
The opening of accounts and the issuance of the card are subject to acceptance by Fortuneo. 14 day withdrawal period. In the event of withdrawal, the premium will not be due.
Offers reserved for adults, excluding Fortuneo employees and cannot be combined with a current sponsorship offer or any offer linked to the Fortuneo bank account. The bank account opened in Fortuneo's books, the Livret+ as well as the subscribed card must be kept for at least one year. Failing this, Fortuneo reserves the right to deduct the amount of premiums paid.
– Bankin' bonus: 10 euros offered by Bankin' for the first opening of an individual or joint bank account in the books of Fortuneo with a Gold CB Mastercard bank card subject to compliance with the following conditions:
- Comply with the conditions of Fortuneo offers.
- Have previously communicated your IBAN within your Bankin' personal space
- Have entered your first and last name at the required time as part of the Bankin' course
- Have synchronized on your personal Bankin space, within 30 days following its opening, the bank account opened in Fortuneo's books as part of the Fortuneo offer.
Fortuneo cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for any complaints relating to eligibility or payment of the Bankin' bonus. For any questions on this subject, we invite you to contact Bankin'.
Subject to compliance with the conditions of the above-mentioned offers:
- The bonus of €150 will be paid by Fortuneo into the bank account opened as part of the Fortuneo offer no later than 30 days after the condition of 5 payments has been fulfilled. In the case of a joint account, only one premium per account, the required payments can be made using the two bank cards subscribed.
- The €100 voucher bonus
purchases offered for the transfer of all of your transactions as part of the signing of a banking mobility mandate
- The bonus of €80 linked to Banking Mobility will be paid into the deposit account, no later than 03.28.2025 for customers who have opened a current account with the promotional code “FTNBK12242”.
- The €10 bonus offered by Bankin' will be paid into the Bankin' user's Bankin' kitty within 60 days following the synchronization of their Fortuneo account on the Bankin application. In this regard, it is specified that any Bankin' user who has deleted their Bankin' account before payment of the €10 bonus will be deemed not eligible for the offer and will not be able to claim payment of said bonus.
Only one offer per joint account. If both holders of the joint account subscribe to a Gold card and a Fosfo card, the premium paid is that corresponding to the card making the 5 payments first.
Offer cannot be combined with another current Fortuneo offer, excluding offers relating to banking mobility or Livret +
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