![[Étudiants] Github Developer Pack, Copilot, Microsoft Office 365, etc. (github.com)](https://bonplansfrench.com/wp-content/themes/rehub-theme/images/default/noimage_500_500.png)
[Étudiants] Github Developer Pack, Copilot, Microsoft Office 365, etc. (github.com)
The GitHub Student Pack is a program that provides students with free access to the best development tools from various companies. This bundle includes over 100 tools and services, such as AWS, Microsoft Azure, and JetBrains. The program is available to students who are at least 13 years old and enrolled in a course leading to a diploma or qualification.
To request the pack, students must create a GitHub account and verify their student status. Verification can be completed through the GitHub Education website, where students must provide proof of enrollment, such as a school-issued email address, student ID card, or transcript. Once verified, students can access the pack and its benefits.
The GitHub Student Pack offers a wide range of benefits, including access to cloud services, development tools, and online courses. Some of the benefits include:
- $100 credit for AWS, DigitalOcean and Microsoft Azure
- Free access to JetBrains development environments, including IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm and WebStorm (Also accessible via this deal)
- Free access to GitHub Pro and GitHub Enterprise
- Free access to Microsoft Office 365 and Windows 10 Education
- Free access to online courses from Udacity, DataCamp and Frontend Masters
- Free access to Github Copilot (IA) instead of €10/month
- Free access to password managers like 1Password And Dashlane
- And many others here education.github.com/pac…=az
The package also includes various other benefits, such as free domain names, web hosting and design tools. Students can receive these benefits as long as they remain eligible for the program.
In summary, the GitHub Student Pack is a great opportunity for students to access the best development tools and services for free. To apply, students must verify their student status through the GitHub Education website and provide proof of enrollment. Once verified, students can access the pack and its benefits as long as they remain eligible for the program.
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