Formovie Theater Premium UST
Deal Score0
€2,790 – NothingProjector
Offer at €2790 PVA included (Calibration by Gregory from mondoprojos) The best UST of the moment for movie buffs like me 🙂
Complete test: https://www.mondoprojos.fr/2024/10/21/test-formovie-theater-premium-projecteur-ust-triple-laser/
Certainly more expensive than the Hisense PX3-PRO but there it is with the calibration offered! On the FNAC offer for the Hisense PX3-PRO we are without calibration (As a reminder, calibration of a video projector is HIGHLY recommended!)
Then for those who still don't want the PVA offered there is the same price but with a free projection screen of 120 inches or 100 inches!
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