Telephone canvassing: the National Assembly finally prohibits calls without prior consent

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It is a small revolution that will do good to our phones – and our mental charge. Monday, January 27, the National Assembly voted unanimously a measure which now prohibits Telephone canvassing without the prior agreement of consumers. A victory for individuals, often exasperated by these untimely calls, but also for the ecological deputy Delphine Batho, who brought this proposal with determination.

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“People can no longer” telephone canvassing

Who has never received a call at the wrong time, promising work at a lower cost or a miracle offer? These solicitations, sometimes abusive, are also a door open to scams. For Delphine Batho, it was time to act. “People can no longer, and these demarchages are often the starting point for fraud”she explained. The elected official points to the failure of Blocktelthis opposition list created in 2016 and supposed to protect consumers. Too little effective, according to her, this system has left many people delivered to themselves in the face of incessant calls.

“Currently, the legislation allows all people who refuse to be approached to register on the Bloctel system” begin The bill. “However, too few French people are registered, with only 12 million numbers, or 10 % of telephone lines. In addition, many registrants say they are still seated, which is confirmed by the DGCCRF (Directorate General for Competition, Consumption and the Repression of Fraud). ” Can we read.

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The law cites some figures. In 2023, “5,300 checks were carried out and 60 % of companies were not in accordance with the rules” Can we read. A total of 198 fines were pronounced last year, for an amount of 4.4 million euros.

Reverse logic with a strong signal

The change is here a total reversal of the rules of the game. Now companies will have to obtain a clear consent before contacting someone. In other words, if you have not given your agreement, finished the calls not asked. An advance that could relieve many French people, tired of seeing their phone ring for offers they have never asked. “Our neighbors in Germany have done so, and it is very effective” Can we read in the bill.

Adopted with government support, this measure has a good chance of being quickly validated by the Senate. In addition to protecting consumers, it sends a clear message to businesses: intrusive business practices are no longer tolerated.

For many, it is an important step towards better regulation of commercial practices. Less unwanted calls, less stress, and above all, less risk of falling into the trap of fraudsters. One more step towards a relationship of trust between consumers and professionals, and a little more tranquility in our already busy lives.

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