A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms: George RR Martin Envant The future spin-off of Game of Thrones
The new series derived from the universe of Game of Thrones imagined by George Rr Martin will arrive this year on HBO and his Max streaming platform. Entitled A Knight of the Seven Kingdomsit has already been seen by the author of the news that inspires it, and the latter has been more enthusiastic about the result.
“I saw the six episodes and I loved it”
According to George RR Martin on His personal blogthe adaptation of his new The wandering knight In series for HBO is particularly successful.
“I saw the six episodes and I loved it,” tells the author. “Dunk and the egg have always been among my favorite characters and The actors we found To embody them are just incredible. The rest of the distribution is also amazing. Wait until you meet the mocking thunderstorm and Tanselle. “
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Peter Claffey and Dexter Sol Ansell Will Star in the New @HBO Original Series, A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms: The Hedge Knight, As Ser Duncan The Tall and Egg. Coming to max. pic.twitter.com/oaxvsqklrb
– Max (@streamonmax) April 5, 2024
He continues by explaining that season 1 of the series adapts the first news he wrote on the adventures of Duncan Le Grand (Peter Claffey) and his squire, the egg (Dexter Sol Ansell), and taking place 90 years before the events of Game of Thrones.
“It is such a faithful adaptation as a reasonable man could hope,” Adds Martin, who has not in the past chew his words concerning his (negative) feelings about the Hollywood adaptations of literary works.
George RR Martin. © Getty Images
The author, however, warns his fans that this new HBO series is not going to be entirely of the caliber Game of Thrones ::
“Spectators who want action, more action and still action … well it may not be for you. There is a big fight, as exciting as We can want it, but there is no dragon this time, nor huge battles or white walkers … “ explains Martin.
“It is a work centered on the characters, it focuses on honor and duty, on what chivalry represents.”
Those who found the second season of House of the Dragon too slow, for example, will perhaps not be packed by A Knight of the Seven Kingdomswhich promises to be a new adventure of Westeros more sober than those that preceded it.
Dunk and the egg in the new HBO series. © Max
But if A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms is the adaptation of the first news of the Dunk's adventures cycle and the egg, Martin also suggests in his post that the HBO series is not going to stop there.
He indicates indeed at the bend of a commentary that the team of the series, led by Ira Parker (Better Things,, The Nevers), will now tackle The Lige swordsecond news in this cycle. A season 2 therefore seems to be the program for Martin even if, for the moment, HBO has not announced anything on this subject.
- Discover some images of the new spin-off of Game of Thrones ::
At any rate, A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms: The Hedge Knight is expected this year on the American cable channel and the Max streaming platform In France.
For the moment, no specific release date has been indicated except that the series is scheduled for the end of the year, probably in the fall as Martin pointed out.
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