Google Pixel 6A: A serious battery problem worries owners
Google Pixel 6a
Launch price 359 €
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Google Pixel 6
Launch price € 649
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THE Pixel 6a, tested by us in 2022rebuilded from him, but this time, for worrying reasons. If he continues to receive updates, a user has recently shared alarming images: his screen takes off from the chassis. The cause? An inflated battery.
Pixel 6a and inflated battery, a repair not to be improvised
The inflated battery of a 6a pixel © Reddit, Shubham_770
Lithium-ion batteries, omnipresent in our electronic devices, are sensitive to temperature variations, manufacturing defects and premature aging. When they swell, they exert pressure on the internal components, jeopardizing the integrity of the device. In this specific case, the user claims to have taken care of his 6a pixel: no fall, no excessive pressure. However, the screen rises, an obvious symptom of a swollen and potentially dangerous battery.
A first erroneous diagnosis almost aggravated the situation: a local technician spoke of a simple problem of defective glue. A hazardous and risky conclusion. An inflated battery is not limited to an aesthetic concern: it represents an immediate danger. It can release toxic substances, cause a fire or even explode under increased pressure.
In a desperate attempt, the user sought to maintain the screen in place with elastics. A dangerous gesture – the latter apply an additional constraint on the already unstable battery. Worse, continue to use or charge a phone in this state increases the risk of accident.
The only responsible reaction? Immediately turn off the device and entrust it to an authorized repairer. Any artisanal manipulation of an inflated battery can have catastrophic consequences.
Another person, confronted with the same concern, asked Google's support. Result: an immediate replacement of his phone and a return package to return the defective device. Effective management that eliminates any unnecessary risk. If your Pixel 6a – or any other device with battery, moreover – present signs of swelling, take no risk. Contact Google immediately or an approved repair center.