Crêpière Krampouz Billig – 35cm
212 € – UBALDI
The candlestick has passed :), nevertheless by dint of eyeing on it I fell for a krampouz. By looking for a good price, I fell at Ubaldi who have 5% discount on Krampouz crêpières and who curiously add up with the VIP10 code. That makes 15% reduction with 9 € shipping costs: total € 221, this is not the best price we have seen but currently it still seems relatively interesting.
Intended for family use, the Krampouz Billig is the traditional crêpère designed on the basis of professional equipment.
Its machined cast iron plate allows you to reproduce the inimitable taste and texture of pancakes tasted in crêperie.
Its thermostat is easily adjustable thanks to its button on the facade from 50 ° to 300 ° C.
Machined cast iron plate
Robust: painted steel frame
Serpentine resistances guaranteeing uniform heat diffusion.
Cooking surface 35 cm in diameter
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