OPENAI launches Deepresearch, a professional function to generate long reports in a few minutes

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Not a month goes by without operating a new functionality for Chatgpt. Last month, Openai introduced Operator on the marketa tool capable of performing a whole bunch of automated tasks. Except that since that time (that is to say on January 24, not so distant), Chinese generative artificial intelligence has created a fairly strong paradigm change on the market. Deepseek has generated a lot of confusion on the American marketand to counter this confusion, Openai intends to convince by new features.

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An AI agent to generate comprehensive reports on specific subjects

Thus, January 31, Chatgpt launched its O3-Mini model To get into direct competition with Deepseek. And obviously, the firm does not stop there: yesterday, Monday, February 3, Openai launched Deep Research, a tool capable of generating in -depth reports on a subject in the space of a few minutes. In a 20 -minute video, the Openai team explains the concept long, wide and across.

First, note that Deepresearch does not act as a new model: it is actually an “AI agent” accessible by a button placed on the chatgpt interface (like the “Search button “classic). Its purpose is to facilitate the research work of a user: instead of forcing the latter to read tons of different sources himself to determine the true of the false, Openai intends to chew the work with Deepresearch. The objective is simple: to take all this data, condense it, determine the most relevant, and provide a report of several pages to the user. By way of sources, Deepresearch can search in online articles, PDFs, image banks, and synthesizes everything by using the O3 model.

Inevitably, with such a function, it takes more time in Deepresearch: count ten minutes to benefit from the final report on a specific subject, where the classic Chatgpt version takes a few seconds to answer a question. For the time being, this AI agent is only accessible to Chatgpt Pro subscribers (at 200 dollars per month), but it should be accessible to Chatgpt Plus, Team and Enterprise subscribers in a few weeks. Inevitably, the free formula will not be entitled to it.

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