The fantastic 4: Marvel denies having used AI for posters and creates controversy

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Marvel would have once again used artificial intelligence in one of his creations.

Marvel would have once again used artificial intelligence in one of his creations.

© Marvel Studios

There first trailer for 4 Fantastic was this Tuesday event. But the party around the next opus in the Marvel cinematographic universe has given way today to controversy. Indeed, the studio would have used the AI ​​for promotional posters of the film … and this is not the first time.

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Marvel Recurrent with AI

In addition to the expected trailer for the film, posters have also been unveiled. But Internet users did not take long to find strangeness and suspect Marvel for having used artificial intelligence to design them.

The posters of the Fantastic Four at the center of the controversy.

The posters of the Fantastic Four at the center of the controversy.

© Marvel Studios

Among the four posters in the film, one of them particularly attracts attention. She shows a crowd scene celebrating the takeoff of the superhero team towards their space mission, in a retro style that recalls the paintings of Norman Rockwell (1894-1978).

But to look more ready, Internet users were surprised to see a four fingers hand, the same face twice, a coat with strange buttons, a camera that disappears … In short, the usual approximations of “creations” by IA.

The most surprising in this case is that Marvel Studios responded quickly to the controversy and told American journalists to Deadline And The Hollywood Reporter Do not have used an intelligence fireworks for these creations. It is however easy to doubt, especially in the face of the final result.

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The Fantastic Four is an important film for the future of MCU.

The Fantastic Four is an important film for the future of MCU.

© Marvel Studios

Especially since this is not the first time that the American studio has used AI in its productions. In 2022, The credits of his series Secret invasion had already been designed with artificial intelligence, just like A poster of season 2 of Loki In 2023. This lack of transparency created a dangerous precedent, and is particularly surprising from a studio of the importance of Marvel Studios.

The fantastic 4: first step is directed by Matt Shakman (Wandavision) and will tell the adventures of four scientists struck by cosmic rays and which develop superstops. The main cast is made up of Pedro Pascal (Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic), Vanessa Kirby (Sue Storm/The Invisible Woman), Joseph Quinn (Johnny Storm/The Human Torch) and Ebon Moss-Bachrach (Ben Grimm/The thing) .

The feature film is the 37th opus of the MCU and officially opens its phase 6, which must develop until November 2027.

  • Watch the film's trailer:

The fantastic 4: first step Go out in French cinemas on July 23, 2025.

The three previous films based on these superheroes, as is the animation series of the 90s, are available On the Disney+ streaming platform.

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