Ecological penalty: here is the scale that will come into force next month

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Dacia Sandero Stepway

© Clément Choulot/Dacia

The state budget for 2025 has been approved and with it the hardening of the ecological penalty. Originally scheduled for January 1, 2025, he could not first be applied due to the fall of the Barnier government. With the vote of the 2025 finance bill scheduled for Thursday, February 6, the new scales of the ecological penalty will finally come into force on March 1.

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As expected, the threshold for triggering the CO2 penalty will be lowered by 5 g/km, from 113 g/km now. The ceiling of the only CO2 penalty was also noted from 60,000 to 70,000 € and is now reached from 193 g of CO2 rejected per kilometer.

With this new scale, almost all thermal cars without hybridization will be taxed. A Renault Clio Essence TCE 90 emits for example from 118 g/km of CO2, a minimal penalty of € 170. Some hybrid cars will also be taxed.

Ecological penalty scale at CO2 on March 1, 2025

CO2 emissions in mixed cycle WLTP (in g/km) Amount of the penalty according to the scale of 2024 (in €) Malus amount on March 1, 2025 (€)
Until 112 0 0
113 0 50
114 0 75
115 0 100
116 0 125
117 0 150
118 50 170
119 75 190
120 100 210
121 125 230
122 150 240
123 170 260
124 190 280
125 210 310
126 230 330
127 240 360
128 260 400
129 280 450
130 310 540
131 330 650
132 360 740
133 400 818
134 450 898
135 540 983
136 650 1,074
137 740 1,172
138 818 1,276
139 898 1,386
140 983 1,504
141 1,074 1,629
142 1,172 1,761
143 1,276 1,901
144 1,386 2,049
145 1,504 2,205
146 1,629 2,370
147 1,761 2,544
148 1,901 2,726
149 2,049 2,918
150 2,205 3 119
151 2,370 3,331
152 2,544 3,552
153 2,726 3,784
154 2,918 4 026
155 3 119 4,279
156 3,331 4,543
157 3,552 4,818
158 3,784 5 105
159 4 026 5 404
160 4,279 5,715
161 4,543 6,126
162 4,818 6,637
163 5 105 7 248
164 5 404 7,959
165 5,715 8,770
166 6,126 9,681
167 6,537 10,692
168 7 248 11 803
169 7,959 13 014
170 8,770 14 325
171 9,681 15,736
172 10,692 17 247
173 11 803 18,858
174 13 014 20,569
175 14 325 22 380
176 15,736 24 291
177 17 247 26 302
178 18,858 28,413
179 20,569 30 624
180 22 380 32 935
181 24 291 35 346
182 26 302 37,857
183 28,413 40,468
184 30 624 43 179
185 32 935 45 990
186 35 346 48 901
187 37,857 51 912
188 40,468 55 023
189 43 179 58 134
190 45 990 61 245
191 48 901 64 356
192 51 912 67,467
193 55 023 70,000
From 194 60,000 70,000

The finance bill also already provides for hardening the scale of the ecological penalty in 2026 and 2027. The trigger threshold will still be lowered by 5 g of CO2 per kilometer and per year, while the CO2 penalty ceiling will be enhanced by 10 000 € per year. The weight penalty, on the other hand, will apply from 1.5 t in 2026, against 1.6 t currently, and electric cars will no longer be completely exempt. However, they will benefit from a 600 kg reduction, with a trigger threshold fixed at 2.1 t, therefore. As a reminder, the rechargeable hybrids have already lost their exemption from the penalty at weight on January 1, 2025, and now take advantage of a 200 kg reduction.

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