Antivirus and VPN: should we opt for double protection?
At the heart of a digital environment in perpetual evolution, Cybercrime turns out to be a very concrete threat to businesses as well as for individuals. Recent reports indicate that in 2022, 41 % of French companies were the target of sophisticated attacks and that global financial losses due to these malicious acts amount to several billion euros.
The frequency of intrusion attempts has significantly increased in recent yearsexposing an increasing number of networks vulnerable to exploits. These encrypted data illustrate the urgency of setting up robust protection devices to counter more and more frequent and developed attacks. In this context, the question of the simultaneous use of an antivirus and a VPN arises with acuity.
Antivirus and VPN: different functions at the service of your safety?
Antivirus and VPNs are two essential tools to secure its digital environment. In short and simple, an antivirus is initially software that detects, blocks and eliminates viruses as well as malware likely to infect a computer system. He regularly analyzes files and programs to intercept threats in real time.
On the other hand, a VPN, or virtual private network, makes it possible to secure the internet connection by creating a encrypted tunnel between the device and the remote network. This technology masks the user's IP address and guarantees the confidentiality of the data exchanged, thus protecting against espionage and the interception of communications.
By operating on separate bases, these tools aim to strengthen global security, antivirus by protecting systems from intrusionsand the VPN by ensuring online anonymity and the protection of digital exchanges. The complementarity of their roles is fundamental in the fight against cybercrime.
Antivirus + VPN: an ideal combo for optimal safety
When it comes to optimizing online safety, the adoption of a solution bringing together antivirus and VPN turns out to be a judicious option Both from a financial and practical point of view. By combining these two features in a single subscription, the user avoids the additional costs inherent in the subscription to two distinct services, thus making it possible to achieve substantial savings in the long term.
The simplicity of management associated with this integrated solution offers an appreciable time savingbecause activation and updating all the tools are synchronized. The rationalization of digital security results in a unified interface, preventing less experienced users with the complexity of multiple configurations. The antivirus ensures constant monitoring of potential threats, while the VPN effectively protects connections against interceptions and malicious intrusion attempts.
What are the best security suites incorporating a VPN?
Avast Ultimate
Avast Ultimate therefore merges a powerful antivirus and a robust VPNoffering users extensive and unified digital protection. Its advanced technology detects and neutralizes in real time the most sophisticated threats, while the VPN guarantees navigation confidentiality on often vulnerable networks, ensuring optimal protection of personal data.
The solution uses advanced algorithms as well as an infrastructure constantly updated In order to respond to rapid cybercrime changes and avoid any attempt at intrusion. This synergy makes it possible to prevent attacks before they affect the safety of the system while facilitating the protection of digital exchanges during connections on public networks.
The ergonomics of the interface, designed to simplify the management of advanced functions, makes the continuation accessible to all profiles, whether novice or experienced users. So, Avast Ultimate is positioned as a complete safety solution that combines performance, practicality and reliability.
Avira Prime
Avira Prime presents itself as an integrated safety solution, bringing together many innovative features. It combines the effectiveness of an antivirus with the confidentiality of a VPN by combining the traditional analysis of files with advanced features, such as real -time protection, a VPN to guarantee online confidentiality, as well asAn integrated password manager.
Its antivirus is based on efficient detection technology, capable of identifying and neutralizing threats in real time. Behavioral analysis and regular updates make it possible to anticipate attacks And to protect the system against various types of malware. In addition to these features, the solution offers an integrated VPN which provides anonymous and secure navigation, by encrypting the data exchanged on public or unreliable networks. Avira Prime also offers optimization and cleaning tools aimed at improving the performance of the device, while guaranteeing a fluid and friendly experience.
AVG Ultimate
AVG Ultimate is also a high -performance safety series associating the protection of an antivirus and the confidentiality of a VPN. Its latest generation antivirus technology performs a complete system analysis, scrutinizing each file and process to identify the slightest anomaly. The solution also incorporates a robust VPN that costs data exchanges, guaranteeing confidential navigation on public or private networks, while hiding the user's IP address. This device helps protect yourself against malicious intrusions and espionage attemptswhile providing appreciable comfort of use.
The refined and intuitive interface greatly simplifies the management of safety tools, making the solution accessible to a large audience. The regularity of updates ensures constant adaptation to new threats, thus avoiding any obsolescence of the defenses in place.