Blu-ray 1984 Combo Blu-ray 4K + Booklet
€ 18.58 – Amazon
The world of 1984 is divided into three great powers which waged a perpetual war. One of them, the oceania, is directed by a single party and subject to a totalitarian regime, personified by Big Brother, whose portrait is omnipresent. Employed at the Ministry of Truth, Winston Smith is finding it increasingly difficult to believe in the lies of the regime.
Supplements (the supplements are gathered on the Blu-ray)
Also contains the booklet “George Orwell and 1984” (40 pages) offering articles taken from the special issue Le Point – Grande Biographies – George Orwell (Nov -Déc 2022)
Michael Radford recounts 1984 (35'06), an unprecedented interview recorded in London in December 2022 Return in 1984 (24'01), documentary by Alexandre Jousse with the interventions of Caroline Vié, special envoy on the shooting of 1984, and Laurent Aknin, Author of “Esotericism and Cinema” Reflections about 1984 (37'33), interview with François Brune, author of “under the sun of Big Brother” (precise on “1984” for the use of the 2000s) I know that The Master was the subject of discussions but at that price, it can be worth it for those interested in a 4K version.
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