Dyson Car+Boat: A new vacuum cleaner without real interest in the face of competition?
For many years now, the British Dyson has been a major player in the aspirate market. Emperor of multicyclonic filtration which revolutionized the sector, king of the balai vacuum cleaner in Stick format, pioneer of particle meters, not a slightly sophisticated balai vacuum cleaner cannot happen today, Sir James Dyson (and his engineers' army) has constantly advanced his favorite field with great innovations. If some advances have been able to leave us skeptical (like the green laser in the Detect range), most of them still represented real advances, really useful; We think in particular of the indication of the remaining autonomy precise to the nearest second or the drain system Point & Shoot whose ingenuity (and efficiency) have, today still no real equivalent on the market.
Dyson Gen5 Detect Absolute
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Dyson V11 Absolute
Launch price € 649
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Operation of the price board
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This is why the arrival in our email boxes of a message announcing the upcoming release of a new Dyson vacuum cleaner immediately aroused curiosity and enthusiasm. Yes, we can be excited by the release of a vacuum cleaner! What did the Malmesbury teams invented? What need we still had no idea would make up for? Quick! We want to know everything!
A strategy difficult to identify
Once the email is open, it must be admitted that the soufflé was quickly fell. The new Dyson vacuum cleaner, the bus+boat has everything disappointment. The visuals indeed show the clone of an ancient V8 (released in 2016), or even a V6 (2016) as evidenced by the collector placed vertically. Pourie ie on the cake, the “newcomer” was relieved of his suction tube since this dyson because+Boat is therefore intended exclusively for the maintenance of high surfaces such as tables, shelves and sofas but also, As the name suggests, from the interior of cars and boats.
A dyson because+boat in its natural sending … © Dyson
This new model which completes a range already well stocked with vacuum cleaners of this kind has somewhat surprised us. We find it difficult to understand Dyson's commercial strategy with this product: the interest of vacuum cleaners-Dalais whose English has made a specialty is precisely the modularity which allows it to move from a suction to this aspiration by hand. In addition, the accessories provided with this Dyson Car+Boat (a flat brush, a long sucker and a very basic electric mini-brush, which does not even use the conical shape of the roller inaugurated with the V15 Detect From 2021), are very similar to those found in the multiple packs offered by the manufacturer. Finally, the new vacuum cleaner is sold for € 280 all the same, for a very limited interest (and technicality). In a word as in a hundred, we cannot advise you not to buy this dyson because+Boat, but rather to direct you to a V8 Absolute Barely cheaper (you can find it new for € 300 without much difficulty), but much more versatile.
Dyson V8 Absolute
Launch price € 599
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Dyson out of breath on the Balai vacuum cleaner?
At a time when competition (mainly Chinese and “inspired” by Dyson, it is true) is in full swing and has rarely been so fierce, the Malmesbury firm seems broom, yet its major asset. While still some time ago, a new really innovative model was presented almost every year, the Gen5 Detect Already date of 2023 and no clue that suggests that a completely unprecedented product will come to take over soon. But it is true that Dyson has diversified and that his activities concern both the Balais vacuums and the floor washersTHE robot vacuum cleaners or even smoking. Difficult to be on all fronts at the same time.