180Hz PC screen IPS FHD 24P Medion MD20124
Deal Score0
€ 52.03 – Cdiscount
Thanks to the 10CDAV25 code by activating the free Cdiscount trial at will and hello10 from a new account the initial price of € 99.99 goes to € 78.90And thanks to their partner “Discount & Reduction” we cross up an ODR of € 26.87 as a welcome offer, do not forget to unsubscribe once the ODR has been received in the bank because 1 month of free tries there are also Another partner who can make another ODR of € 10 but sometimes he does not accept 1 month of free trial also you just have to go forget to make the request for ODR by providing proof of CDICOUNT from their site ::
So the price can drop up to € 42.03
And if you take the Cdiscount bank card with the 6 days of free trial
You could benefit from -50% out of the € 78.90 so 31.95 and with the ODR the purchase earns you € 5.08 on your bank account and a 180Hz IPS 24P 24P screen.
I have already used the ODRs for my box and my NVME M.2 and it walked nickel apartment the second time with the second partner the second time I did with him