Ambition 2030: Arcep imagines a future with high speed everywhere and ever obsolete smartphones

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Imagine, if you don't mind, a world or “At home, while you live in the countryside, you have a completely reliable fiber connection at a competitive price […] Each member of your family has a smartphone over five years old, which has not become obsolete overnight [et] Every day, you take the TER, you can work or relax, because you have access to quality mobile connectivity.“”

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During his wishes to the press and elected officials for the year 2025the arcep wanted to strike hard by painting the painting of a digital industry aware of its limits, its challenges and its flaws. A change that the telecoms gendarme wishes to bring about its “ambition 2030” program. Unsurprisingly, the environmental imprint of digital takes a big place there.

Regulate to pollute

First of all welcoming French action in the matter “unique in Europe, and probably in the world“, Laure de la Raudière, indicates that it wants to pass the second on the subject. Aware that access to data represents the nerve of war, it first wishes to extend the collection of environmental data, the equipment manufacturers and the manufacturers of Underwater cables first.

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The avowed objective is a “Integration of environmental impact in European digital regulation“. By putting the weight of the 27 behind this objective, the independent authority hopes that the positions of Europe”have effect on global players such as some digital service providers“. A way of innovating via regulation as what France proposed with its repairability index.

At the national level, the authority wishes to go towards more infrastructure sharing, in particular mobile, in order to meet the environmental sustainability objectives in the sector. Translation: fewer antennas, more collaboration between operators and less CO2. Ditto for the deployment of the fiber which must provide “be regarded in 30 years as an example of a work carried out in the rules of the art“. Ambitious.

A desirable digital

In parallel, and since we are no longer talking about digital without speaking of AI, the arcep also wishes the development of an AI “more sober” And “will ensure the taking into account of the AI ​​environmental imprint“In the debates.”It is not because digital services are “apparently” virtual that their development does not have a very real environmental imprint“Defends Laure de la Raudière.

Finally, and it's not nothing, the arcep also wishes to take advantage of the next 5 years to lead “Prospective reflection on digital uses and sobriety“. Behind this tote concept hides a desire to impose more strictly its general repository of eco -design of digital services. As a choice, therefore, the authority proposes to get rid of addictive algorithms that push for the consumption of unnecessary data, limitation of autoplay, maintaining operating software throughout the lifespan of terminals or other measures very concrete.

“”In 2030, digital technology must have become exciting again and synonymous with human progress. He must no longer make prisoners individuals of closed ecosystems […] Limit developers in their work […] exhaust the resources of our planet instead of helping to preserve them“, Dares the president of ARCEP. Very great ambitions which will require significant resources.

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