Goldorak: The Wolves Festin on Xbox Series X
€ 17.51 - Amazon
✅ -34% ✅ Excellent price for this product
Product description
Prepare to live an unforgettable adventure with Goldorak, the famous giant robot. This action/adventure game adapted from the cult animated series, will immerse you in the heart of the universe of its creator, Go Nagai, and will give you the chance to pilot the most powerful robots and fight the forces of evil. Following the destruction of the Euphor planet by the Vega Empire, Prince Actarus takes refuge on our planet. Collected and adopted by Professor Procyon, he lives at the Ranch du Birieau Blanc. While the invasion of Vega on earth is imminent, Actarus will defend the land plan using Goldorak, the titanic robot hidden deep inside the Observatory of Professor Procyon. With the help of Alcor, the Prince of Euphor will constantly push the attacks of Vega and fight his terrible robots, the Golgoths, sent to destroy him. Play Actus and its colossal robot through epic battles with multiple gameplays: Spazer piloting (flying module in which Goldorak is housed), vertical shoot-thep-up in the alcor ovterre and action/combat in the 3rd person in Controlling Goldorak. Use its iconic and devastating attacks to destroy terrifying Golgoths and save the earth. Immerse yourself in the skin of Actarus and meet many essential characters during sequences of dialogues in the iconic environments of the series, faithfully reproduced while respecting the designs of the original series. Finally, earn points of experience through missions to obtain new capacities and improve your powers. Broadcast in France for more than 40 years, the cult animated series Goldorak has marked several generations by its history rich in twists and turns. Millions of people around the world still remember its metamorphoses and its fulguropoings.
Product details
- Classified: 12 years and over
- Language: French
- Package dimensions: 16.9 x 13.7 x 1.4 cm; 90 grams
- Release date: November 14, 2023
- Date of online on Amazon.fr: February 22, 2023
- Asin: B0BVZT4VRC
- Article model number: 17gollo2
- Country of origin: Germany
- Availability of spare parts: information unavailable on spare parts
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