Bang & Olufsen Earset Ecouts

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€ 47.99 – Private Sport Shop

✅ -30% ✅ Excellent price for this product

The Beoplay Earset wireless headphones offer world -class bang & olufsen signing sound in an impeccable and ergonomic case. These headphones are linked together by a cable, which frees you from your devices. Earset keeps the emblematic look of the original Earset headphones from the 1990s, modernizing the elegant piston and the ear contour to better adapt to the ears of 21st century music lovers. Check the sound of your Bluetooth headphones with three online buttons and a speaker that adapts to the inner ear without blocking it. Transform your daily experiences with the power of a rich and precise sound. Features:
Sound signature bang & 0lufsen wireless flexible adjustment system high -end materials designed to last
Evolution of a design icon

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