IPSOS study: generative AI widely adopted in France, but concerns remain
Panorama of the use of generative AI in France – Illustration Image © Pexels
In a proactive economic context with regard to AI, with the record investment of $ 500 billion in the field announced by Donald Trump as well as the holding of the AI summit in Paris, the Ipsos reveals the Results of a study on the use of AI in France. The global specialist in market studies questioned the French on their knowledge, their uses of generative artificial intelligence as their perception of the risks linked to this technology. Here is a complete panorama.
The generative AI already adopted massively by the French
On a historic scale, generative artificial intelligence – such as Chatgpt or Gemini -E – is available for very short time for the general public. However, neither the characteristic of novelty nor the lack of perspective seem to have represented a brake for Internet users in the massive adoption of this technology. Almost nine out of 10 French people have already heard of these AI tools and nearly four out of 10 French people use them on a daily basis.
IA use rate per age group © Ipsos
Unsurprisingly, it is the 18 – 24 years old who constitute the age group that uses the most at AI; 74 % of them admit to using it in the private framework, for studies or for work. 55 % of individuals, 25 to 34 years old, use AI, 39 % of 35 – 44 year olds, a use curve that logically decreases with age rise. In total, AI is used by 39 % of all French people, all areas combined.
The frequency of use of AI by French © Ipsos
Among the population who adopted the use of generative AI, more than three quarters of the questioned regularly use it. As part of use for work, or for studies, 21 % of concerned would use it several times a day.
Beyond the adoption of the AI, only 19 % of French people declared themselves concerned about theenvironmental impact generated by this energy -consuming technology.
Awareness on the risks of using AI
If most French people favor Chatgpt (66 %) or Gemini (30 %) tools, the main use lies in finding information. Then come the writing of texts, the translation, the search for creative ideas, the spelling correction, the synthesis of a subject, etc.
The use of generative AI in France © Ipsos
Surprisingly, assistance to duty represents only a share of 14 % of AI uses, just below delegating certain tasks at work which is 15 %.
Despite democratized use, respondents do not apply the ostrich policy as to the existence of risks inherent in artificial intelligence. Among the risks identified as perceived by the French, the propagation of disinformation (Fake News) in the first place.
The risks associated with generative AI by the French © Ipsos
Users also seem worried about the decline in the capacity for reflection and skills of humans; A theme that achieves an ex æquo with the risk that humans become dependent on this technology.
Just as relevant, the training of models from unreliable data, the non-differentiation between the real content and that generated by the AI or the disappearance of certain trades are themes that concern the French.