The authorities alert against Smishing, the SMS scam that wreaked havoc

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Most users of mobile terminals or computers must now start to get used to phishing (“Hames” in English), these attempted scams by email or even by phone. A variation of this practice is at the moment the wind in the sails all over the world, the Smishing.

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What is the Smishing ?

It is, as this suitcase word lets guess, attempts to have an sms, where a malicious person pretends to be an organization in order to extract information or money from his victim, or of him Press a fraudulent link.

According to the American proofpoint cybersecurity company, from 300,000 to 400,000 SMS attacks are noted per day. An increase of 318 % in 2023 of so-called “conversational” attacks, that is to say maneuvers to engage the conversation with a victim, was even quantified. In addition to the Atlantic, Smishing would have cost consumers the trifle of $ 330 million in 2022. “More than double the losses reported in 2021” And “almost five times“Those of 2019 according to the company.

The increase in this practice is not surprising. Indeed, if tools today allow partially protective of email scams (spam system) and telephone (applications that identify and block suspect numbers), SMS are still difficult to block today. It is also more complicated to differentiate a false SMS from a real compared to emails or fallacious calls, since here the phone number as well as the content of the message may seem credible.

Too high confidence in mobile communications

Stuart Jones, from Proofpoint, also says: “Many people have a high level of confidence in mobile communications safety. The click rate on the links sent by mobile are up to eight times higher than those received by electronic messaging.“”

In France, the 33,700 makes it possible to transfer suspect SMS so that the associated numbers are blocked by the authorities. Unfortunately, despite the development of reporting platforms at different levels (including in the applications and operating systems directly), it is very easy for a malicious person to simply change the phone number.

Prevention therefore remains the best way not to fall into the panel. Thus, the next time you receive an SMS from an unknown number speaking of a package to deliver, a blocked payment or a fine to be paid, reflect on it twice before interacting with the message. If you have any doubts, do not click on any links and, unlike the example above in this article (Oops …), do not answer.

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