IPTV: 2024, the year of repression for illegal platforms

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In recent months, theIPTV illegal was hard by a series of services and platform closings. In France and internationally, the authorities intensify their actions to counter this increasingly widespread phenomenon.

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IPTV: In 2024, an unprecedented wave of closures

11 % of French people use illegal IPTV, explain The Audiovisual and Digital Communication Regulatory Authority (Arch) in its latest quantitative study report. But if they are on the rise, the end of 2024 will have marked a real turning point for illegal IPTV services.

There is no shortage of examples. According to The informedlast September, the Professional Football League (LFP) obtained, through Arch, the blocking of 160 services illegally broadcasting Ligue 1. The main French Internet service providers, such as Bouygues, Free, Orange and SFR, were asked to implement these blocking measures, thus strengthening the fight against sports piracy.

But that's not all. With the resumption of the football championships in August 2024, the Arcom will have intensified its efforts, by blocking more than 600 services illegally broadcasting sporting events, 90 % of which were IPTV services. And overall, since the beginning of 2024, the Arcom will have blocked a total of 1,922 illegal sites, of which 362 were IPTV services.

Always about the Sport Streamingon November 7, 2024, the Paris judicial court ordered the blocking of 53 streaming and IPTV services sites illegally broadcasting sports competitions, including the French football and rugby championships. This action followed the complaints filed by Canal+ and Dazn, aimed at protecting their diffusion rights.

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Rebelote in December 2024, where a vast operation carried out by the American authorities, in collaboration with the Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment (ACE), led to the closure of 138 illegal streaming sites.

These platforms, frequented by more than 800,000 annual visitors, offered hacked content of diffusers such as Canal+, Dazn, BeIN Sports, Netflix and Max. Although the operation was coordinated by the American authorities, these sites were accessible from France, thus affecting many people in France.

IPTV illegal: a response at high prices and a complex offer?

The reason for such relentlessness is clear: the broadcasters and entitles lose millions of euros each year due to hacking. But with increasing subscriptions, Some prefer cheaper or even free solutions.

Because prices increases on certain platforms have logically contributed to the development of illegal IPTV. Although the streaming service currently offers a reduction to be forgiventhe subscription to Dazn, for example, jumped from € 19.99 to € 29.99 per month in 2024, thus encouraging many sports enthusiasts to turn to hacked alternatives.

Likewise, Canal+ has noted its prices to access its sports channels, with Subscriptions to almost 40 € per month. Even Netflix increased its prices in 2023from € 8.99 to € 10.99 for its essential subscription. Not to mention the offers with advertisements, which make some of the teeth cringe.

A significant risk

Despite the fact that these increases make the iptv illegal illegal, let's not forget that This option also includes very important legal risks.

According to article 321-1 of the penal code, the use of illegal IPTV services is assimilated to the concealment of counterfeiting, liable to three years' imprisonment and a fine of € 375,000. In 2023, for example, 232 criminal sanctions were pronounced, with fines varying from € 90 to 1,000, explains Haas Avocats.

IPTV, legal alternatives to bypass hacking in 2025

If you are looking for a reliable solution in terms of IPTV, several options exist:

  • The ISP TV offers: SFR, Orange, Bouygues and Free offer various television bouquets, often included in their Internet subscriptions.
  • Streaming platforms: Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime Video and Canal+ offer a wide choice of films and series.
  • Molotov TV: An interesting alternative to watch live or replay TV, with free and paid options.
  • Legal sports subscriptions: certainly, prices are high, but offers like those of BeIN Sports, RMC Sport or Dazn ensure optimal and risk -free quality of diffusion.
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