Promotion Laser engraver Sculpfun S9 5.5W at 159 € Port included (410 x 420mm)

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A Promotion on the sculpfun S9 5.5W laser engraver which allows you to equip yourself with a serious and cutting device for a really affordable price.

Promotion Laser Sculpfun S9 5.5W
Promotion Laser Sculpfun S9 5.5W

THE Sculpfun S9 laser engraver has a 5.5 W laser a 0.06 mm finesse. Thanks to its precision and its penetration power, it is capable of cutting wood from a thickness of up to 15 mm, from acrylic to 10 mm, to engrave ceramics and stainless steel.

This S9 laser engraver has a system of rapid focus and a sliding design. Just move the laser and tighten the screw to quickly develop the machine. The X and Y axes are provided with precise graduation lines, which allows you to quickly measure the size of the objects to be engraved.

There Metal structure Makes this laser engraving machine extremely solid, thus improving the accuracy of the engraving. Assembly can be carried out in just 10 to 20 minutes. The structural framework is very durable and can be easily improved.

The S9 laser engraver is Compatible with various engraving software such as Lasergrbl, Lightburn, Benbox, Grblontroller, Litefire. It supports PWM engraving mode and is compatible with Windows and Mac systems (Lightburn). In addition, it supports several engraving file formats such as JPG, PNG, DXF, SVG, AI, G-CODE, NC, BMP, etc.

Sculpfun S9 promotion

Currently, Geekbuying offers the best price for the sculpfun S9 laser engraver. Thanks to the use of a promo code, you can acquire it for a advantageous price of only € 159. Do not miss this opportunity to get this laser engraving device at an affordable price!

⏩ See the sculpfun S9 engraver on geekbuying ⏪

To obtain the price of 159 € you must enter the nnnfrscus9 promo code(if no longer work try nnnfrscus9 or gkbeule68)

Free delivery (Europe warehouse)

Sculpfun S9 laser at the lowest price

Table of the main characteristics of the sculpfun S9 laser engraver

Features Values
Engraving size 410*420mm
Engraving materials Wood, paper, cardboard, plastic, PCB, ceramic, dark stone, stainless 304 aluminum
Cutting materials Wood, acrylic, cardboard, fabric, bamboo, plastic board, kt board
Laser effect power 90W (compared to a 90W CO2 laser)
Electrical power of the machine 30W (independent of engraving or cutting performance, only electricity consumption)
Diode laser power 5.5-6W (please note that it is light energy and not electrical energy)
Laser wavelength 455 ± 5nm
Engraving precision 0.01mm
Focus method Laser with fixed fireplace + sliding device
Laser protection cover The light filter on the laser protects the user's eyes and prevents animals from touching the laser point
Operating software Lasergrbl, Lightburn, Benbox, Grblontroller, Litefire, Support for the Windows System, Support for the Mac System
Supported file formats NC, BMP, JPG, PNG, DXF and other image formats
Data transmission method USB connection
Food Standard international universal power entry: 100-240V CA, 50/60Hz, outing: 12V 5A
Certification CE, FCC, ROHS, FDA, IEC

These characteristics make the sculpfun S9 laser engraver a versatile and powerful tool, suitable for many engraving and cutting materials. It is also compatible with several operating software and offers high precision and safety in its functionalities. The sculpfun S9 laser engraver: advanced technology at the service of engraving for a small budget! A valid offer, within the limits of stocks until the end of the month.

⏩ See the sculpfun S9 engraver on geekbuying ⏪

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