Thermomix TM7 and Cookidoo: a youthful treatment and lots of new options

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Vorwerk Thermomix TM7

Launch price 1400 €

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Cookidoo Kesako? If we trust the official website, “It is the official thermomix® recipes platform!. But this very generic definition ultimately does not explain much. It is above all a set of revenues (10,000 French recipes, and 100,000 international recipes) accessible per subscription, specially designed for the thermomix multifunction robots. In fact, we choose a dish from the database and all the steps necessary for its realization are sent to the robot-cook: the user has only to follow the instructions that appear on the screen to Finish the preparation.

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From the keys recipes to be magnetized on the side of TM5Vorwerk has largely simplified the use of recipes thanks to Cookidoo. The Thermomix TM6 was an opportunity for Vorwerk to natively connect its devices So that they take full advantage of Cookidoo. No more purchases, hello subscription! For € 48 per year, owners of thermomix TM6 can access all compatible recipes, developed by Vorwerk teams.

Cookidoo served on a 10 inch tray

Cookidoo is to thermomix what iOS is to the iPhone: it is sort of the heart of the robot-cook. And its interface is getting a facelift, also sublimated by the presence of a large 10 -inch touch screen on the Thermomix TM7. Reading comfort is undeniable and it was necessary to see the system appear Twin Digital which consists in dividing the screen to display on the one hand the list of ingredients, on the other the course of the recipe. This fairly ingenious provision makes it possible to scroll less the instructions and therefore, the thermomix TM7 with your dirty fingers. What we particularly like on this robot-cook is the support step that remains here: an action, a step. Nothing could be simpler.

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Vorwerk Thermomix TM7

The Thermomix TM7 has a large 10 -inch screen to facilitate programming.

© Vorwerk

The temperature range is unchanged: between 37 and 120 ° C per level of 5 ° C. If until then Varoma was a temperature, it is now a cooking program that we find in the new “steam” tab of the programs. Two new modes are entering the programs, including the golden mode (which will cook foods up to 160 ° C, this temperature was previously suitable only for cooking caramel) and another for cooking eggs ( Depending on whether they are sailing, normal or cooked). New cleaning modes are appearing. Just choose the state of dirt depending on what has been cooked so that the robot optimizes the temperature and the duration of the program.

For the sake of facilitating the life of the cooks a little, the Thermomix TM7 will finally be equipped with vocal commands. Nevertheless, we will have to wait this summer for this feature to be implemented and that we can finally ask his robot “What are we eating tonight?“This period is explained, among other things, by Vorwerk's wish to use his own vocal assistant and not those we already know: Siri, Alexa or Google Assistant.

Vorwerk Thermomix TM7

The Twin Digital System in action with the list of ingredients on one side and on the other the recipe.

© Vorwerk

The thermomix TM7 under IA

Finally, we know that the Thermomix TM7 and Cookidoo will be boosted with artificial intelligence. For the moment, the contours of this innovation are still a little vague. But one can imagine, with vocal commands, a very natural interaction with the thermomix TM7 which, on a simple sentence of the user, could give a list of culinary preparations compatible from a list of ingredients, a particular diet, everyone's preferences … AI and Deep-learning should also contribute to improving the results of the revenue, by adjusting the speed of rotation of the blades, the temperature according to the returns of the community. Finally, we also hope that AI will be used to facilitate maintenance operations – why not cleaning methods offered at the end of the recipe depending on what was prepared? – or even to anticipate breakdowns by offering the owner a small checkup When something does not work as it should, even if thermomix devices are renowned for their manufacturing quality and robustness.

Vorwerk Thermomix TM7

The thermomix TM7 screen is so wide that it allows you to cook around five around (at least).

© Vorwerk

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