Ariel pods laundry capsules – 30 capsules (via 50% kitty and odr shopmium)

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€ 2.83

-Proftite from the Carrefour 1 Ariel Pods 30 Capsules 14.18 € -50% Cagnottée box which amounts to 7.09 €.

-A then reimbursement Shopmium ariels pods “of the 2 items purchased -30%” or 28.36-30% = 8.51 € reimbursed
3002639_1.jpg3002639_1.jpg3002639_1.jpg– Take advantage of the offer on 4 (2×2 boxes) maximum items

Example: for 2 articles = 7.09 × 2 = 14.18
14.18- 8.51 = 5.67 €

Or 2,83 the pack of 30 capsules

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