Emmaüs relaunches his donation campaign to provide computer equipment to the most precarious

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An Emmaus truck that takes off computer equipment

“”And how many computers and phones sleep in your offices?». Through a simple question that will be repeated on TV channels And radio stations of the public service the next 15 days, Emmaus hopes to provoke awareness.

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The goal? Encourage private companies, but also public structures, to donate their computers, tablets and smartphones to the association, so that they arrive in the hands of digital.

Resources for companies and individuals

Regretting the fact that “The solidarity re -use of material is often forgotten when it is one of the actions with a stronger environmental and social impact“, Emmaüs is trying this year to give access to concrete tools to make things happen.

Beyond the two advertising spots, the association provides a form for companies that would like to give their unused equipmentsuggests installing Collection boxes at the workplace or even email models usable by all and all to educate decision -makers (available here at the end of the article).

Emmaus and Ecologic go even a notch further and also offer resources for individuals, as a pre -ray label to donate your smartphone Or another model of email to encourage its community to give its “reformed” equipment to associations. A possibility offered by the reen law of 2022.

11% of the population excluded from digital

According to a BNP Paribas study39 % of French companies would keep unused equipment in stock. Opposite, 8 million French and French (11 % of the population) do not have suitable equipment to access the Internet. A real conviction to exclusion at a time when more and more essential services (care, housing, education) go through the Internet.

The urgency is as social as it is ecological, since The manufacture of terminals weighs more and more heavily on the environmentAnd that a circular model sprinkled with digital education would respond to these two issues at the same time.

If you or your business want to make a donation, you can go On the Emmaus website Or on that of Ecologic. The email models to send to companies or communities are available below.

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