VEO 2: Google is focusing on video AI 50 cents per second

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Among the actors of the market generation of video by artificial intelligence, Google has just unveiled the real price that its Veo 2 model costs from the point of view of the infrastructures used.

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50 cents per second to generate a video with Veo 2

50 US dollar cents per second. This is the price put forward by Google to operate Veo 2, its artificial intelligence model that generates videos. Reported to other scales, this would amount to $ 30 per minute and even $ 1,800 per hour of media generated. If the figure can make you dizzy, it seems important to qualify the information. Jon Barron, a researcher at the specialized center Google Deepmind, indicates that in the cinematographic field, the prices fly away much more.
For example, producing even a second in the film “Avengers: Endgame“, Coming from the Marvel Studios franchise, would have cost about $ 32,000 per second.

From this point of view, the generative AI of Google is rather affordable, although it is obviously not designed to make Hollywood films on a big budget. In this sense, certain questions have the merit of asking: what will happen to the clips generated by the AI ​​which do not correspond to the request of the user? At the current stage, it is still very frequent that the AI ​​”derails” and makes mistakes in the content created.

Although relatively new, the Video generation market based on AI is already placed its players in fierce competition. Let us quote among others Sora, the new model of Openai accessible in unlimited for 200 dollars per month, Kling ai that we had tried or Runway.

For the protagonists of the sector, the winning equation will thus consist in the ability to offer a competitive price offer, without led to the quality of the generated clips.

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