Chatgpt can now be the iPhone search engine, here is how to do

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Chatgpt is the Openai chatbot, based on the GPT artificial intelligence model, making it possible to answer all kinds of questions or requests. Available in free online version.

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    Free license
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    Android, online service, Windows 10/11, iOS iPhone / iPad, MacOS (Apple Silicon)

Traditional search engines are undermined by AI. In recent months, many models have indeed had the advantage of being able to seek on the web in order to deliver a response in connection with the latest news of the moment. The solution that made the most noise is obviously that of Chatgpt, alias GPT Search. Good news for followers, it is now integrated into Safari on iPhone.

Chatgpt Search for all research on Safari

The latest application update brings a dedicated extension to Safari. As soon as it is activated, the searches carried out via the Apple browser search bar will be sent directly to GPT Search. This is an opportunity to get answers to your questions directly via Chatgpt, and thus continue the discussion if necessary in order to obtain more details about your request.

To activate the extension, simply follow the following steps:

  • Access the application Settings of the iPhone ::
  • Open the section Applications
  • Select Safari
  • Press Extensions
  • To touch Chatgpt search
  • Check the option Authorize the extension
  • Give permission to the extension to access or the default search engine defined

All requests made in the Safari address bar will now automatically launch research via GPT Search. This is an effective solution to go straight to the point and find in the blink of an answer to your questions.

However, this can be quite confusing at first, especially when you are used to exploring a slew of search results via GoogleBing, DuckduckGo, Ecosia and others. It is also important to emphasize that GPT Search is based on a limited number of web sources to generate its responses, which can lead to biases and sometimes incomplete or erroneous responses.

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