Sleep apnea: this new generation CO2 sensor provides optimal monitoring in real time

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Sleep apnea: high-tech innovation for real-time diagnosis

Sleep apnea: high-tech innovation for real-time diagnosis

© Shutershock

Respiratory disorders, such as sleep apnea, are difficult to diagnose without specialized equipment. A team of researchers from the Higher Korean Institute of Sciences and Technologies – the famous KAIST – has developed a carbon dioxide sensor (CO2), capable of analyzing continuous and real -time breathing. Integrated into a mask, it could transform monitoring of pulmonary diseases.

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Miniaturized and efficient technology

Unlike traditional sensors, often bulky and energy delicious, this new generation of optochemical sensors is compact, light and optimized for a long period of use. His secret? A system combining LED and organic photodiode, which maximizes detection efficiency while reducing energy consumption. Result: prolonged autonomy and increased precision.

Discreet and efficient respiratory monitoring

Extremely finesse (0.7 mm thick, 0.12 g), this sensor is easily attached inside a mask without disturbing its carrier. It detects CO2 variations with each inspiration and expiration, allowing precise monitoring of the respiratory rate. Better yet, it works continuously for nine hours, far beyond the classic models, which are struggling to exceed 20 minutes.

The sleep apnea detection device

The sleep apnea detection device


Another major asset: its fluorescent film, essential for CO2 detection, is replaceable. Rather than throwing the device after a few uses, just change this thin layer, thus extending its lifespan.

Medical applications and beyond

According to Professor Seunghyup Yoo, this innovation is not limited to sleep apnea. It could be used to monitor other conditions, such as hypercapnia and chronic obstructive bronchopneumopathy (COPD). It would also offer increased comfort for people wearing a mask in dusty or polluted environment, limiting the undesirable effects linked to the reinfuring of CO2

But of course, to date, this portable carbon dioxide sensor is in research and development phase: no marketing date or information on its price has been communicated. Technological advances of this type generally require clinical trials and validation processes before being available on the market.

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