Jet js 400 ht guitar Tom Delonge Like

Deal Score0
Deal Score0

€ 183 – Kytary

Please note, budding punks and rockers, here is the Tom Delonge-Like Strat from Jet!

The brand is hitting right now, and some even compare it to Sire guitars … Yes, yes, just that.

Another guitar that takes up the magic recipe for the signature Tom Delonge from Fender.
Besides, if you are rather team “I want the original”, (I have one), it is always available with your favorite dealer. I say that, I say nothing …

On the menu: a strat, a snack, a fixed easel, and let's go my Kiki for runk on wheels or well couillu rock.

Rather Team Micro Unique Eptrier or HSS fan? Jet thought of everything, so make your choice!

In any case, this one (the version to a humbucker) is on sale!

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