3 free booster (with a rarity card ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ or more)

Deal Score0
Deal Score0

Distributed objects:

– Genetic power: Mewtwo (a rarity card
• or more guaranteed)
– Genetic power: Dracaufeu (a map of
or more guaranteed)
– Genetic power: Pikachu (a rarity card
• or more guaranteed)
– The cards contained in these boosters are the same as those in boosters genetic power: mewtwo, genetic power: Dracaufeu and genetic power: Pikachu.
– The fifth card of each booster is guaranteed to be rarity •
• Or more.

Note: The cards displayed on the banner are an example of those that can be obtained in the boosters of this campaign.

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