How to protect yourself from cyber attacks and data theft? Best practices and tools

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We can say without exaggerating that the threats on the Internet are omnipresent, which is why it is important to protect yourself rigorously.

Wry to online threats is a real challenge. This requires remaining vigilant and adopting good practices such as being wary of suspicious emails or questionable links. It is also essential to set up efficient protection tools, capable of watching over all devices, because very often, victims do not even realize that they have been infected. The malicious software operates in silence, and when it realizes that there is a problem, it is already too late.


Person using an office computer with the Surfhark VPN application interface, connected to a server in Norway

But in the end, the first line of defense against the cyberrencies is between the screen and the chair … In other words, it's you! It is up to you to choose to equip yourself, to develop your habits by using robust and varied passwords or by activating two -factor authentication.

It is crucial to understand that these constraints are minimal compared to the risks involved! A hacked account, stolen banking data or identity theft can have much heavier consequences. And if your goal is to keep control over your entire digital security, a series of protection tools is simply essential.

The multilayer approach: an effective strategy

Protection against online threats is often based on a multilayer approach, which means that several levels of security are used to defend devices and data. Like a mille-feuille, the safety layers are superimposed to create a barrier more difficult to cross in the event of an attack.

1. Secure your connection with a VPN

In the order of the security measures to be adopted, the protection of the Internet connection is among the first steps. This involves the use of a VPN which ensures not only confidentiality, but also security by creating a encrypted tunnel in which all of your data circulates.

It is an essential system for protecting daily navigation, and it simply becomes essential when connecting to public Wi-Fi networks, often vulnerable to attacks. It prevents your personal information from being intercepted by malicious users. And in the event of an attack, this information remains protected and unusable thanks to the encryption set up.

In fact: you are traveling and you log into public Wi-Fi in a hotel to make a bank transfer. Without VPN, a hacker can intercept your information and steal your identifiers.

2. Choose a versatile antivirus

After having secured your connection, it's time to protect your devices from threats with a good antivirus! Effective software must adapt to your needs and be able to protect several devices at a time.

The antivirus integrated into the “SUNSFHARK One” pack acts as a shield against spy software: it provides real -time protection by scanning your files before opening or downloading. You can plan analyzes, protect your webcam with alerts in the event of access attempts and even be notified if your email address, identity card, bank card or other personal data have leaked on the Internet.

In fact: you download the attachment of an email that imitates an online sales site. Without antivirus, you do not realize that the file contains spyware that steals your personal data. An effective antivirus is capable of detecting and blocking the installation of the malware.

3. Use an advertising blocker

Illustration of two hands using a brush and a shovel to remove the letters 'ad' on a turquoise background.

An advertising blocker is not content to improve your navigation comfort, he also plays a key role in your safety. It prevents the display of messages containing spy software or malicious scripts. As a bonus, it offers additional protection against phishing, a threat that continues to multiply, and decreases the tracking set up by certain sites.

In fact: you browse a website and a window announces that you have won a phone. If you click on this link inadverters, you will be redirected to a trapped site that collects your personal information. With an advertising blocker, this scenario does not arise.

4. Make regular backups

It is not a defensive measure per se, but it is essential. Performing regular backups of your data allows you to protect yourself against attacks by ransomware. In the event of an attack, you keep access to your files and escape the blackmail of cybercriminals.

In fact: your computer is infected with a ransomware that quotes all your data and requires a ransom to unlock it. If you have a backup, you can format the system and restore your files without the slightest difficulty.

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