Car of the year 2025: Renault once again wins the title with its electric R5
After the Scenic E-Tech in 2024it is this year with its R5 E-Tech that Renault won the European election for car of the year (COTY). The jury, made up of 60 journalists, representing 23 European countries in proportion to the size of their market, awarded this title to the French electric city car and its sporty version Alpine A290. The two models, although offered under different brands, were in fact classified together.
If the modern Renault 5 was a favorite for many customers, with the first sales figures encouraging, it remains to be seen whether it will succeed in attracting the mass market over time. Its still high prices could in fact be a barrier to its adoption, as well as those of the new Renault 4. Will the latter nevertheless manage to win the title of car of the year 2026? We'll have to wait a year to find out.