Workshop (free upon registration) at Land Art, discovery of art therapy – Dijon (21)

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Did you know that art can be a real source of well-being?

Art therapy is a discipline that uses forms of expression such as nature creation, painting, drawing, or even sculpture. It helps you better understand and express your emotions. It also promotes the development of relational and communication skills.

Come explore this practice during our land art discovery workshop organized in partnership with the Bien-Être Epleumien association! This initiation is free.

6 Rue René Char
21000 Dijon

PROGRAM- Creative time
– Manual handling of natural products
Lauren Cart-Lamy, certified art therapist, will guide you during this creative interlude.

Please note, limited number of places!
More information from Elodie Naty at 06 77 93 79 96

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