Premium Busuu subscription
€ 35.93
Super Busuu Offerone of the best applications to learn a new language, with access to Premium version For a year for only 36 €! (Instead of € 120 (or € 90 instead of € 317, including the App Store))
For this it is enough:
1- To create an account via the app
2- Take advantage of the free week
3- wait for the promotional offer that will be offered to you
Do not subscribe to it via the application, Apple takes a completely crazy commission as usual. So when the offer appears to be rather on your browser, connect with your identifiers and the offer will appear three times cheaper.
Clearly it is worth it is for me the best application to learn, there is a large community of people with whom to exchange who will correct some of your exercises, it is more fun than Babbel and more serious than Duolingo, I recommend +++
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