Smartphones: Our screen test procedure is evolving!

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You know, test procedures at Digital are a constantly changing site. Impossible for us to rest on our laurels, insofar as smartphones are constantly evolving and improving their performance with each new generation. You will understand, we have seen some elements, starting with our screen tests.

In order to improve the precision of our tests, we have made two modifications: we have invested in a new probe, identical to that which our comrades in the TV service use for their tests. We have thus best harmonized our procedures between televisions and smartphones.

And it is to meet this same objective that we have chosen to swap our HCFR software against Calman, which offers us more latitude in our tests. As you can see in our latest publications, our protocol has additional sights, which therefore give increased precision to our tests, in particular thanks to the addition of specimens dedicated to flesh tones.

As usual, you will find a Delta E measure, signaling the colorimetric drifts possibly perceptible on your screens, the color temperature (which must be approaching 6500 k). We also pay new attention to gamma, that is to say the right return of gray levels.

You know the rest of our procedure, which includes the verification of the reflectance of the slabs (the lower the reflections, the better the readability), their minimum and minimum luminosities, but also their remanence time (for LCD screens) and their contrast. As we are players, we apply very exactly the same test procedure to the two screens of Folding smartphonesand we now call on the same procedure during our tactile tablet tests.

Finally, it should be noted that this new procedure allows us an addition. It is now possible for us to measure the performance of iPhone screens in HDR mode. It is rumored that a certain iPhone SE 4 will soon be formalized, which will allow us to implement this procedure.

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