iPhone SE 4: Tim Cook in person tease an imminent ad!
A teasing from Tim Cook himselfwe can't really do clearer. Once is not customary, Apple's CEO evokes an upcoming presentation on its social networks, and almost a week before. Even though no event is announced for the aircraft, Cook invites apple aficionados to be ready to welcome “A new family member” next February 19. In view of rumors, the identity of the newcomer is not much doubts: unless the chief surprises, it will obviously be the iPhone SE 4. The singular formula also invites us to think that there will be no second product to accompany it, and thatiPad 11 (also the subject of corridor noise) will still have to wait before placing himself in the spotlight.
An ever more intelligent family?
The smartphone, which the closest to Apple initially thought it would be presented this week, should be the most affordable in the iPhone family, with a price probably located under the € 600. If we believe the rumors (summarized in our article devoted to the iPhone SE 4), the smartphone would be both provided with an OLED screen of 6.1 inch, like iPhone 14, 15 and others (it is therefore the end of the LCD on the SE), but also a powerful A18 chip, already at work in iPhone 16. You understand the meaning: this terminal under iOS 18 would be powerful enough to exploit the AI of apple functions, namely Apple Intelligence. These will be available in French from Aprilthat is to say for the first weeks of existence of this iPhone SE 4. Between an “affordable” price and a highlighting of the American software assets, the iPhone SE 4 seems crucial in the Apple ecosystem; We understand better why Tim Cook takes care of advertising his future product.
The formalization of the smartphone should go through a simple written communication from Applewithout dedicated conference, as anticipated by the essential Mark Gurman, expert in the brand's universe. We will therefore stay on the lookout on February 19 to dissect the applelaunch teased by Tim Cook!