15 kgs of potatoes for € 7.50. Fontenay sous Bois (94)

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€ 7.50

Thursday, March 13, the city of Fontenay-sous-Bois, in connection with a producer of Hauts de France, organizes in “Drive” mode, a solidarity sale of potatoes at cost: 7.50 € per bag of 15kg (or 0.50 € per kg).

These are Fontane potatoes, a variety of long conservation from reasoned agriculture and recommended for making fries, puree and baked cooking.

The truck will park on rue Gabriel Lacassagne (in front of the courtyard of the Romain Rolland school) from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm continuously.

A “drop-off” will be set up to facilitate the organization of the sale at the parking spaces in front of the truck.

Payment by check and species only (provide the addition if possible)

For any additional information please contact the Economic Development on 01 79 84 54 12

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