Openai retaliated to Google and Perplexity, Deep Research finally available for all pay subscribers

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OPENAI Chatgpt - Illustration Image

OPENAI Chatgpt – Illustration Image


OPENAI with Chatgpt, Google with Gemini and Perplexity AI engage in fierce competition regarding in -depth research features via artificial intelligence (Deep Research). Initially reserved for chatgpt pro subscribers, the most expensive OPENAI subscription, Deep Research functionality becomes available from all paid users of chatgpt.

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OPENAI deploys Deep Research for all Chatgpt subscribers

OPENAI announced it on its X account: the functionality Deep Research is being deployed with all subscribers to the Chatgpt service. In other words, all users who have a paying account will soon be able to access it, which they have subscribed to the Chatgpt Plus, Team, Education or Enterprise levels.

The pioneer startup in the general public specifies that subscribers will be able to make 10 queries Deep Research per month; Chatgpt pro users will now be able to execute 120 on the same periodicity, against 100, before.

By making this functionality accessible to all its subscribers, Openai seeks to compete with Perplexity, which already offers it to all of its users. The Sam Altman firm also avoids being distanced by Google, which deployed in -depth research last week for subscribers to Gemini Advanced.

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