Netflix: an explosive teaser for the new film by The Raid director with Tom Hardy
Tom Hardy Portera Ravage for Netflix © Netflix
In the work of the work of Gareth Evans, at the editorial Action film for Netflix Ravaged (Havocin VO). We have been waiting for it since … 2021. Indeed, after a completed shooting that year, bad feedback from Netflix on the film will ultimately encourage new sockets, which will not be completed until the summer of 2024.
Despite this stormy production that encourages caution, many ingredients make you want to believe that the final result will be up to par.
Gareth Evans' new baby
First of all, remember that Gareth Evans, here to realize and the script, has signed some of the best action films in recent years, namely The raid 1 and 2. Man, to whom we owe the series more recently Gangs of Londonis once again inspired by the best in the genre.
Tom Hardy and Jessie Mei Li. © Netflix
He describes so Ravaged as being “A dazzling and rapid action thriller, with winks at Hong Kong cinema that I watched growing up.“In an interview in 2024, he also declared:”With ravage, I will free the last three or four years during which I have not made action films on a large scale, and I could not be more enthusiastic about the idea of making this film afterwards.“”
- Look at the teaser of Ravaged ::
A casting that knocks
The first trailer leaves no room for doubt about the violence of this feature film, which will also be set to music by Tyler Bates (the saga John Wick). There will be a question of following a bruised inspector who, after a case of drug trafficking that has gone wrong, must introduce himself into the world of organized crime to save the son of a politician, while unraveling a complex network of corruption and conspiracies weighing throughout the city.
The ravage poster, or havoc in VO. © Netflix
To embody this inspector, it's Tom Hardy (Venom,, Mad Max: Fury Road,, The Dark Knight Rises…) which was chosen. And he will not be the only charismatic actor on the program, since there will also be Forest Whitaker (Snape One,, Black Panther…), Timothy Olyphant (Justified,, The Mandalorian…) or Jessie mei li (Shadow and Bone).
Ravaged Arrives on April 25 on Netflix. Until then, movies The raid are available on Prime Video, and Gangs of London on Canal+.
Operation of the price board
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